Invertebrate Biology
Invertebrate Biology (IVB) invites papers on all aspects of invertebrate biology-morphology and ultrastructure; genetics, phylogenetics, and evolution; physiology and ecology; neurobiology, behavior, and biomechanics; reproduction and development; cell and molecular biology-and on all types of invertebrates: protozoan and metazoan, aquatic and terrestrial, free-living and symbiotic.

    Invertebrate Biology (IVB) invites papers on all aspects of invertebrate biology-morphology and ultrastructure; genetics, phylogenetics, and evolution; physiology and ecology; neurobiology, behavior, and biomechanics; reproduction and development; cell and molecular biology-and on all types of invertebrates: protozoan and metazoan, aquatic and terrestrial, free-living and symbiotic. Manuscripts submitted should present original research focused on understanding the biology of invertebrate organisms. Taxonomic descriptions may be a component, though secondary, of papers submitted to IVB. Review articles are welcomed, but please consult the Editor-in-Chief before submitting. All contributions undergo a thorough process of peer-review.


Print ISSN: 1077-8306

Online ISSN: 1744-7410

Current: Dec 2024 : Volume 143 Issue 4

BioOne Member Since: 2025

Frequency: Quarterly

Impact Factor: 1.3

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 75/119, ZOOLOGY 69/180

Journal Citation Indicator: 0.57

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